Welcome to Norbert Reinecke’s

‘K E Y H O L E’ - O B S E R V A T O R Y


Cold & warm room for telescope &  observer respectively

Roll-off roof

Telescope supported by 4 -ton concrete base


Components of my system:

Robotic telescope is driven with comercially available programes “TheSky” and “TPoint”.

Indigenously designed & built* extra heavy German Mount (72 kg) good enough for a 20” optics or more. Axsis diameter: 50mm, worm gear size: 250 mm. Periodic error: +/- 5 arcsec.

Celestron C11 OTA    F/10; F/5; F/2.3

Dynostar 3 (Boxdörfer) with 1/64 stepper motors. Go-to speed: up to 1000 x siderial.

Motorized focus (Celestron)

Guide scope with CCD camera ST-6 (SBIG) to do Star Tracking: +/- 1.0 arcsec acuracy

Giant Easy Guider (Lumicon)

CCD camera MX916 (Starlight) for B&W and LRGB imaging

Both CCD cameras are simultaniously operated by “MaximDL-CCD”

Indigenously designed & built LITTROW spectrograph with resolution R=4000

*Design & construction of this mount was done with incredible genius and care by Dr. Klaus Vollmann and Dr. Thomas Eversberg, both being amateur and professional astronomers respectively. You may have a look at Dr. Vollmann’s rear head during the assembly of the mount.

The inspiring basic idea for this spartanic but most effective design was taken from the May 1976 issue of S&T (Cox, Sinnott)

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